Open Air Mind. The first collection of neuroscientific researches for the outdoors

06.24 — Open Air Culture

In more than sixty years of outdoor design, Pratic design language has evolved pari passu with the awareness that the open-air living means satisfying the innate living needs of the human being. If a pergola can positively affect the psychophysical health, the reasons shall be certainly researched in the technique, and, even more, in the cognitive process that still today guide our brain through an ideal architecture.

In 2018, this thirst for knowledge has given Pratic the idea to create an ambitious cultural project, the first pushing the design towards perspectives that concern neurosciences, and that today finds fulfilment in the collection “Open Air Mind”. The collection includes five neuroscientific researches, carried out throughout these years by the Professor Stefano Calabrese of the IULM University of Milan and in collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

The scientific path taken by Calabrese’s working group started from shadow – the original purpose of the pergola – contrasting with light and vice versa, in other words the essential rules determining the functioning of the circadian rhythm of any human being. A subject that, again in 2018, awarded Jeffrey Hall, Michal Rosbash and Michael Young the Nobel Prize for medicine.

The first research, entitled Healthy Lighting, was followed by four more: Lively Colours examining the meaning of colours and their effects on individuals; Design for Well-being exploring shapes, volumes and proportions from the point of view of cognitive patterns. Beauty&Brain is dedicated to the role of beauty and ideal aesthetics in design, whereas My Dream House offers a clear and exciting demonstration of how the “tree houses” designed by children are still the ones making us happiest.

An extraordinary heritage of knowledge, result of reliable and very recent researches that Pratic has decided to share in a single collection, available in digital and paper format. Open Air Mind opens up new and important design scenarios for the world of architecture and design, proving incontrovertibly that the human being has been conceived to live the outdoors.


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